The Property Rates Information Management System (PRIMS™) is an integrated and spatially enabled (GIS) software application for municipalities and property valuers. PRIMS™ is fully and mSCOA compliant and goes beyond mSCOA requirements to provide for the management of all property related processes as required by the Municipal Property Rates Act No. 6, 2004 as amended.


  • Fully compliant with the Municipal Property Rates Act;
  • Fully compliant with the requirements of mSCOA:3
    • Valuation Roll Management;
    • Land Use and Building Control;
    • Spatial enablement of the Asset Register;
    • Revenue Enhancement;
    • GIS.
  • Seamlessly integrates with the Municipalities Revenue Management Module (Billing system) as required by mSCOA;
  • Provides an interface for the importation and integration of general/supplementary valuations rolls and Interims and ensures that each registered land right can be uniquely described and integrated with the revenue management module;
  • Provides a fully compatible, integrated and built-in GIS system for spatial analysis and the mapping and maintenance of spatial data;
  • Provides data analysis, database cleaning and revenue enhancement functionality to display outstanding balances (rates, water and other services) and identify debt age and distribution spatially;
  • Provides detail and summary reconciliation reports to ensure synchronisation between the valuation roll and Revenue Management Module (RMM);
  • Supports a geospatial property register, thus conforming to the requirements of the Demarcation Board. Land audit functionality ensures that all properties registered in the Deeds office are included;
  • Integrates with the Municipal town planning system and provides an integrated land use and building control system for the management of land use, illegal land use, rate category and zoning. In addition, the capture and maintenance of the application register and plan register;
  • Fully integrated and compatible with the Surveyor-Generals and Deeds office databases;
  • Fully compliant with the MPRA act and provides part A and B valuation rolls for full title, sectional title and other land rights;
  • Calculates property rates taking into account valuation, rates category and reductions, for individual properties and the entire Municipality;
    Integrates with the municipal asset register and provides a spatial view of municipal assets;
  • Provides the valuation roll audit and compliance functionality required in terms of Circular No. 93 and the Auditor-General;
  • Provides for the COGTA objectives of debt resolution as it adopts sound data management and integration strategies;
  • Supports the COGTA MPRA templates that provide for structured, consistent and standardised reporting of all valuation and property related information.


What are the benefits to the municipality?

  • Improves revenue collection with seamless integration to the Revenue Management System to facilitate GIS spatial analysis with easy identification of the location of properties not being rated, location of indigents, location of assets and shows the spatial distribution of outstanding rates and services balance, age analysis etc.;
  • Provides central storage of vital municipal property related information, thus improving data access and security, lowering the risk of data loss and reducing the impact of staff movement. Thus, institutional memory is preserved and the cost of subsequent general valuations reduced;
  • Improves access to information and facilitates quick and accurate decision making and answers to ratepayer queries;
  • Provides accurate information for rates policy determination;
  • The build-in GIS functionality is fully compatibility with GIS systems used by the Province. This effectively brings full GIS capabilities to Municipalities with access to all relevant municipal users;
  • Lessens the burden of IT support and maintenance;
  • COGTA compliance ensures that all MPRA information assets are secure in the Municipality.

What are the benefits to the valuer?

  • Provides an integrated database environment with full support for the Municipal Property Rates Act, mSCOA compliance and full support for COGTA requirements;
  • Provides full integration and synchronisation with the revenue management system, thus facilitating seamless flow of information, (deeds transfer, land use, rate category and other property transactions).

Who can use it:

The system provides all the functionality required by Valuers, Municipal Managers, Municipal Finance Officers, Revenue accountants, Rates Clerks, Asset accountants, Building Inspectors, Town Planners, Technical Services, GIS, Rate Payers (restricted access) and others.


Effective revenue management greatly facilitates financial sustainability in municipalities. As the system is mSCOA compliant, full and seamless integration is provided at the database level.
Traditionally, revenue management systems and valuation systems exist in isolation, even though they share much common data. The system overcomes
this by managing all data that originates from the valuation process as defined by the Municipal Property Rates Act. Surveyor-general cadastral, deeds and all spatial and other valuation related information such as properties, agricultural lands, structures, etc. are maintained by the system. This information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Property (cadastral), including Description, Legal extent, Land use, Property category, Rate category, reductions and associated rate tariff;
  • Ownership;
  • Valuation, including Market value, Adjustment date, Exemptions, Rebates and Exclusions;
  • Postal and Physical address;
  • Assets;
  • Water meters.

After processing deeds transfers or interim valuations, etc. PRIMS™ creates and updates properties and consumer accounts directly in the revenue management module, thus ensuring tight integration. Data quality is greatly enhanced as the system identifies data anomalies and provides exception reports.


Integration enables the graphical representation of RMM information, thus enhancing revenue management. The built in GIS capabilities give geographical context to business data and facilitate location identification, navigation and enhances the ability to manage things. Identify properties with outstanding balances for rates or services. Similarly, identify patterns and trends of non-payment. Customised maps facilitate easy use by municipal users. These include:

  • Valuation roll map showing, registration status, owner and rate category, reductions, Indigents, etc.;
  • Land use and zoning;
  • Debtors types and tariff codes;
  • Services and infrastructure;
  • Assets;
  • Wards and other boundaries;
  • Imagery;
  • Web map services;


PRIMS™ maintains the spatial asset dataset for all assets that have valid geocodes (latitude, longitude). The three spatial feature classes are supported (points, lines and polygons) and facilitates the visualization of assets in a geographical context. Assets are maintained in the appropriate feature class:

  • Point features for meters, valves, signage, etc.;
  • Line features for roads, pipelines, etc.;
  • Polygon features for land, etc.

PRIMS™ integrates seamlessly (at the database level) with the Asset Register system and shows the location of all fixed assets in a GIS map. As assets are added to the asset register system, they are added to the spatial asset dataset at the click of a button. The spatial integration facilitates spatial analysis and exception reports provide for the reconciliation of investment properties between the asset register and the valuation roll. The Deeds tables provide easy ownership verification.


Rates revenue accounts for nearly a third of a local municipality’s income. What-if functionality predicts rates revenue for the following year and facilitates the determination of rates policy and rate tariffs. The system provides the facility to interrogate rates and rates history for a single property or for the entire municipality, by rate category or by ward


The system provides for the preparation of general and supplementary valuation rolls, administrative schedules and the establishment and maintenance of the property register (maintained in an integrated geo-database) and calculation and maintenance of valuations, processing of objections and appeals and processing of all property transactions:

  • Registrations and transfers;
  • Cadastral changes, sub-divisions and consolidations;
  • Changes in respect of section 78 and 79 of the MPRA;
  • Sales.

Information is maintained in a secure relational database management environment providing for the history and audit requirements. The system records each general/supplementary valuation roll chronologically and provides a full transaction history of each property.

All the necessary statutory reports and letters are provided for including:

  • General and Supplementary Valuation rolls;
  • Administrative Schedules in terms of section 78 and 79;
  • Letters in terms of sections 49, 78, 79, etc.


Applications in terms of SPLUMA (Land Use and Building Control) are captured with the necessary workflow to delegate tasks to the appropriate officials and communicate milestones and approvals, thus facilitating the timely flow of information between the Municipality, Applicants and the Valuer. Approvals of land use applications and development applications are thus communicated to the Valuer, who is able to prepare the necessary interim or supplementary valuations, ensuring that the current consolidated valuation roll is updated and the correct rates are levied.


PRIMS™ provides unique land audit functionality for valuers to ensure a reliable basis for registration and ownership in a spatially enabled environment, thus providing a spatial property register, vital for a valuation roll that is complete and accurate. The registration status reports facilitate research so that the property register can be updated spatially to reflect cadastral transactions. In addition, area balancing ensures that registered extents versus the spatial extents are within acceptable limits.


A recent addition, the Water Meter Maintenance functionality, uses the water meter geocodes in the RMM to create a spatial water meter dataset, enabling the following:

  • Spatial water meters dataset to provide spatial location and facilitate mapping;
  • Automatic updates of spatial meter dataset from recently added meters in the RMM;
  • Generation of line dataset from meter walks to trace meter reading routes and facilitate mapping and QA;
  • Exception reports to improve spatial location and completeness of water meters;
  • Reports/graphs/maps for:
    • Meter consumption vs billing by Local Municipality by Ward;
    • Consumption per property


All property and valuation related documents are maintained in the database in accordance with the requirements of mSCOA. These include:

  • Building plans;
  • Planning consents;
  • Asset/building Photographs;
  • SG diagrams;
  • Asset photographs;
  • Reference documents such as the MPRA or other acts and regulations;
  • Etc.

These documents can be in a variety of formats and provide instant access to users in the municipality.


Full GIS support is provided for almost all available vector and raster formats as well as spatial databases, including the ESRI geodatabase. Thus, GIS functionality is provided for the Municipality in a format that is compatible with the GIS systems used by Government and Provincial departments and Municipalities.

As the system is integrated, all valuation related data, both spatial and non-spatial is maintained in the geo-database. As PRIMS™ has a build-in GIS engine, no middleware or expensive proprietary GIS software is required. In municipalities that have already implemented GIS systems, PRIMS™ will co-exist seamlessly and make use of existing datasets.


In some municipalities, land audits may not have been conducted, so PRIMS™ provides the data analysis tools to identify data quality issues.
These issues could be:

  • Missing deeds;
  • Cadastral data that is not updated;
  • Revenue management modules that do not reflect all registered properties;
  • Etc.

PRIMS™ Data analysis functionality identifies issues such as differences between the valuation roll and RMM and provides the tools to ensure 100% reconciliation between the current consolidated valuation roll and the RMM

Property details, associated Services, Transaction/billing, Meters/consumption, etc.


The following implementation options are ideal for Municipalities:

  1. LAN/WAN Implementation: This option provides access to users that are connected to the municipality’s wide area network and is suitable for all municipalities that have in-house IT resources. Access is restricted to devices that use MS Windows and is not accessible to users via the Internet;
  2. Cloud Hosted (SaaS): The system is hosted by external service providers and is accessible over the wide area network and to users via the Internet. Agnostic access is provided to users from any operating system and a variety of devices including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.